8 Benefits of Investing in Social Media Marketing

social media management

Consumers go online not just for searching information, but also to entertain themselves, make purchases, and most importantly, to socialize. Surprisingly, social media serves all these purposes, and it does that quite well. That’s the fundamental reason why you should have a social media presence too! Regardless of your business size and industry, social media […]

Email Marketing 101

Email marketing is a powerful tool that adds an extra layer of digital strategy when it comes to getting in front of your existing and prospective clients. Although millions of people around the world are actively using social media to engage in conversation, email marketing is another method that industry-leading brands and companies around the […]

Crisis Communication Strategy

A crisis happens when you least expect it and comes in many different forms. And due to this, it’s often a stressful, frightening and overwhelming experience. While there’s no great way of stopping a crisis heading your way, there are ways to be prepared to manage it better.  Here are a few things to take […]

What does your brand say about your company?

Did you know that you have a brand? Most people are unaware that a combination of their appearance, reputation, values, and many other factors are all aspects of their brand. In other words, it is the sum of every conclusion people make about you based on their direct or indirect exposure to your company. It’s […]

How can marketing help your non-profit?

Non-profit marketing agency

When you work in the world of non-profits you are constantly planning for the next campaign ahead as a means to creating new fundraising opportunities, reminding your donors the importance of giving and keeping the community abreast of the latest happenings and services that your organization might be offering. At MAC Media Services, we understand […]

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